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Yosuke Imamura – Giant Graviton Expansions for Orbifolds and Orientifolds

Speaker: Yosuke Imamura (Tokyo Tech)
Title: Giant Graviton Expansions for Orbifolds and Orientifolds
Abstract: We study giant graviton expansions of the superconformal index of 4d supersymmetric theories. In general, a giant graviton expansion is given as a multiple sum over wrapping numbers, but it was found by Gaiotto and Lee that for N=4 SYM it can be reduced to a simple sum. We find in many examples of orbifold and orientifold theories such reduction occurs, and theories defined with different orbifold/orientifold projections are connected by giant graviton expansions.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Jan 24, 2024.

Video: Link
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