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Yi Li – Holographic Euclidean thermal correlator

Speaker: Yi Li (Jilin U.)
Title: Holographic Euclidean thermal correlator
Abstract: Despite the clear prescription by Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov and Witten, computation of holographic Euclidean correlators with exact results has been mainly restricted to the pure AdS space. In this talk, we discuss holographic Euclidean thermal two-point correlators of the stress tensor and U(1) current. They are computed by solving the perturbative boundary value problems of Einstein’s gravity and Maxwell theory in the AdS planar black hole background, with appropriate gauge-fixing and boundary conditions. The equation of motion of bulk fields are related to the Heun equation with degenerate local monodromy. Using the connection relation of local solutions of the Heun equation, we partly solve the boundary value problems and obtain exact results for U(1) current and stress tensor in the scalar and shear channel. Holographic thermal two-point correlators find wide applications, for example, in the computation of holographic transport coefficients and OPE coefficients of holographic CFTs.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Sep 15, 2023.

Video: Link
Slides: Link