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Yehao Zhou – Elliptic stable envelopes for certain non-symplectic varieties, and dynamical R-matrices for super spin chains from 3d N=2 quiver gauge theories

Speaker: Yehao Zhou (IPMU)
Title: Elliptic stable envelopes for certain non-symplectic varieties, and dynamical R-matrices for super spin chains from 3d N=2 quiver gauge theories
Abstract: In this talk I will present a generalization of Aganagic-Okounkov’s construction of elliptic stable envelopes to certain non-symplectic varieties, including classical Higgs branches of 3d N=2 quiver gauge theories. The theory of elliptic stable envelopes leads to solutions of dynamical Yang-Baxter equations. As an example, the elliptic stable envelope and the dynamical R-matrix for the classical Higgs branch of 3d N=2 SQCD are computed, which turn out to be related to the Lie super algebra sl(1|1). I will present evidence that the Maulik-Okounkov quantum group associated to a 3d N=2 finite or affine type A quiver should be the elliptic dynamical quantum group associated to the corresponding Lie super algebra. K-theoretic (trigonometric) and cohomological (rational) degeneration limit will also be discussed. This talk is based on the joint work arXiv:2308.12333 with Seyed Faroogh Moosavian and Nafiz Ishtiaque.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Sep 13, 2023.

Video: Link
Slides: Link