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Yang Lei – The Panorama of Spin Matrix Theory

Speaker: Yang Lei (Soochow University)
Title: The Panorama of Spin Matrix Theory
Abstract: Spin Matrix theory describes near-BPS limits of N=4 SYM theory, which enables us to probe finite N effects like D-branes and black hole physics. In previous works, we have developed the spherical reduction and spin chain methods to construct Spin Matrix theory for various limits. In this paper, by considering a supercharge Q which is cubic in terms of the letters, we construct the Hamiltonian of the largest Spin Matrix theory of N=4 SYM, called the PSU(1,2|3) Spin Matrix theory, as H={Q,Q†}. We show the resulting Hamiltonian is automatically positive definite and manifestly invariant under supersymmetry. The Hamiltonian is made of basic blocks which transform as supermultiplets. The novel feature of this Hamiltonian is the simultaneous presence of both D-terms and F-terms. As all the other Spin Matrix theories arising from N=4 SYM can be acquired by turning off certain letters in the theory, we consider our work as revealing the “Panorama” of Spin Matrix theory.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Dec 14, 2022.

Video: Link
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