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Sataro Sugishita – Spectrum of quantum KdV hierarchy in the semiclassical limit

Speaker: Sataro Sugishita (Nagoya U. –> YITP)
Title: Spectrum of quantum KdV hierarchy in the semiclassical limit
Abstract: Any 2D CFT has an infinite number of commuting conserved quantities known as the quantum Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) charges. Thus, the thermal equilibrium for a generic state in 2D CFT is described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE) including the chemical potentials of the KdV charges. GGE is also important to understand black holes in quantum gravity because thermalization in a holographic CFT corresponds to the formation of black holes. I will show black hole geometries in 3d AdS with non-trivial values of KdV charges. The black holes are related to the GGE in 2D CFT. I will also talk about the semiclassical spectra of the KdV charges in a large central charge limit.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Oct 19, 2022.

Video: Link
Slides: Link