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Jie Gu – Rational Q-systems and Linear Quiver Gauge Theories

Speaker: Jie Gu (Yau Center, Southeast U.)
Title: Rational Q-systems and Linear Quiver Gauge Theories
Abstract: The Bethe/Gauge correspondence states that the twisted indices of 3d supersymmetric N=4 quiver gauge theories can be computed by suitably summing over solutions to the Bethe Ansatz Equations of XXZ-type spin chains. The BAEs, nevertheless, are difficult to solve in practise, and currently the most efficient method to solve them is through the ratinal Q-systems. We construct the rational Q-systems for generic BAEs described by linear quivers, and demonstrate that the rational Q-systems is in fact a more natural formulation than the BAEs for the Bethe/Gauge correspondence. In addition, we also demonstrate how phenomena in gauge theory like both Higgs branch and Coulomb branch Higgsing as well as the mirror symmetry are naturally reflected in the ratinoal Q-systems. The latter leads to the concept of bispectral duality in quantum integrable systems.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Oct 12, 2022.

Video: Link
Slides: Link