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Jean-Emile Bourgine – Shifted quantum groups and matter multiplets in SUSY gauge theories

Speaker: Jean-Emile Bourgine (Melbourne U.)
Title: Ladder operators and quasinormal modes in Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black holes
Abstract: In this talk, I will review the “Algebraic Engineering” technique that realizes observables of supersymmetric gauge theories as algebraic quantities in the representation theory of quantum groups. This technique is inspired by the “Geometric Engineering” of string theory, and associates to each brane defining the geometric brackground a module of the quantum group. This construction highlights the non-perturbative symmetries of the gauge theories which play an essential role in several correspondences (BPS/CFT, Bethe/gauge,…). In the presence of fundamental hypermultiplets, it is useful to introduce the notion of shifted quantum groups and the corresponding representations. In the second part of the talk, I will present the engineering of a class of 3D N=2 gauge theories using the (shifted) quantum affine sl(2) algebra, and relate them to 5D N=1 gauge theories / quantum toroidal gl(1) using the algebraic interpretation of Higgsing.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Aug 17, 2022.

Video: Link
Slides: Link