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Gang Yang – Lightlike Form Factors and OPE

Speaker: Gang Yang (ITP, CAS)
Title: Lightlike Form Factors and OPE
Abstract: I will talk about a recent work with Yuanhong Guo and Lei Wang, in which we initiated the study of the lightlike form factors where the momentum of the inserted operator is taken to be lightlike. We obtain for the first time the analytic two-loop four-point MHV lightlike form factor of the stress-tensor supermultiplet in N=4 SYM using the master-bootstrap method. We show that the two-loop remainder satisfies a hidden dual conformal symmetry, and the symbol of the remainder presents a very simple structure. Moreover, based on the dual description of periodic Wilson loops, we derive an OPE picture for the lightlike form factor which involves a novel form factor transition. This OPE picture, together with the obtained perturbative results up to two loops, allows us to make non-trivial all-loop predictions for the form factor.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Feb 8, 2023.

Video: Link
Slides: Link