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Sachin Grover – Finding $G_2$ Higgs branch of 4D rank 1 SCFT

Speaker: Sachin Grover (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
Title: Finding $G_2$ Higgs branch of 4D rank 1 SCFT
Abstract: The Schur sector in the Higgs branch of a four-dimensional (4D) superconformal field theory (SCFT) is equivalent to a two-dimensional (2D) non-unitary conformal field theory (CFT). The rank one cases lead to the non-unitary CFTs with Deligne-Cvitanovic (DC) exceptional sequence of Lie groups as the global flavour symmetry. We show that a sub-sequence within the 2D non-unitary CFT sequence is related to a sub-sequence in the Mathur-Mukhi-Sen (MMS) sequence of unitary theories. We will pay special attention to the correspondences of the 2D non-unitary $G_2$ CFT, which leads to our proposal that the $G_2$ Higgs branch is a sub-branch of the $E_6$ Higgs branch. Based on 2312.00275.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Jan 10, 2024.

Video: Link