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Ming Zhang – Holographic thermodynamics and holographic complexity of rotating black holes

Speaker: Ming Zhang (Jiangxi Normal U.)
Title: Holographic thermodynamics and holographic complexity of rotating black holes
Abstract: I will talk about the holographic properties of rotating Kerr Anti-de Sitter black holes, including their thermodynamics and generalized complexity. Initially, I will demonstrate that the dual conformal field theory (CFT) states corresponding to the four-dimensional rotating black holes exhibit first-order phase transitions and criticality within the canonical ensemble. Moreover, the Hawking-Page-like phase transition occurs in the grand canonical ensemble. Subsequently, I will explore the bulk codimensional-one observables of the higher-dimensional rotating black holes to reveal multiple spurious phase transitions in the context of the generalized holographic complexity.


  1. 2305.00267
  2. Complexity=anything for rotating AdS black holes, in preparation

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, Dec 13, 2023.