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Hongbao Zhang – SL(2,C)×U(1) algebra and celestial primary conformal wave functions

Speaker: Hongbao Zhang (Beijing Normal University)
Title: SL(2,C)×U(1) algebra and celestial primary conformal wave functions
Abstract: In this talk, I will report our upcoming work on celestial primary conformal wave functions, which are believed to serve as the appropriate building blocks to formulate holographic prescription of the bulk dynamics, saying scattering amplitude in Minkowski spacetime. In particular, after a brief introduction to the relevant spinor machinery for celestial holography, I will show how the celestial primary conformal wave functions for massless particles can be understood explicitly as the representation of the bulk SL(2,C)×U(1), where SL(2,C) is the familiar Lorentz isometry algebra and U(1) corresponds to the dilatation, which can be regarded as an additional emergent symmetry. With this new observation, we can further develop the relationship between celestial conformal weights and the bulk scaling dimension. I will conclude my talk with some ideas worthy of further exploration.

Date & Time: 3:00 PM, May 24, 2023.

Video: Link