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Haoyu Sun – TTbar-deformation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics

Speaker: Haoyu Sun (U. Texas, Austin)
Title: TTbar-deformation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Abstract: In this talk, I will talk about an explicitly supersymmetric deformation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. First we will visit a class of (0+1)-dimensional or theories, including the super-Schwarzian theory dual to JT supergravity. These deformations are written in terms of Noether currents associated with translations in superspace, so we refer to them as deformations. Then we show that the deformations of and theories are on-shell equivalent to the dimensionally reduced supercurrent-squared deformations of 2d and theories, respectively. In the case, we present two forms of the deformation which drive the same flow. This is based on joint work arXiv:2204.05897 with S. Ebert, C. Ferko, and Z. Sun.

Date & Time: 2:00 PM, June 3, 2022.

Video: Link